The Nova - Modern and Futuristic Preserved Moss Geometric Terrarium by TerraLiving
Designed by TerraLiving, "The Nova" presents an exciting way to express our botanical art. "The Nova" geometrical glass sculpture...
The Nova - Modern and Futuristic Preserved Moss Geometric Terrarium by TerraLiving
The World of TerraLiving's Glass Sculpture
Best of "The Nova" series, geometric preserved moss terrarium by TerraLiving
The Monocle - Exploded View Animation by TerraLiving
Opening & Closing the Seamless Hinge Glass Door of The Nova, Geometric Terrarium by TerraLiving
Design Schematics and Why They Matter to our Final Work
The Nova - a Preserved Moss Geometric Terrarium by TerraLiving
Satisfying Glass Render by TerraLiving, "The Monocle"
The Nova - a Geometric Terrarium, Botanical Art Preserved Moss Collection by TerraLiving