#strokingthemoss #ticklingthemoss Unless absolutely necessary, you should NOT intentionally do this to your ZERO Moss.
Here, we are demonstrating our standard practice in manually checking on the structural integrity of delicate ZERO Moss species with a glass rod by intentionally applying some mechanical forces, a process before moving to packaging and shipping.
Different moss species have an individual "structural" profile.
Complete preservation in our lab retains the main characteristics of moss, such as its fluffiness.
That said, when the natural characteristics of moss are well preserved, a small percentage of them have the tendency to dislocate part of its leaves as "moss fragments", which is one of the ways mosses propagate in nature.
We often select moss specimens before their peak reproductive stage to preserve them for optimal aesthetic stability in our botanical collections & preserved moss terrariums.
While it is natural for a few leaf blades of moss to dislocate during transport, we "plant" 10% - 20% extra to ensure that prominent and eye-catching structures remain intact.
From serene, gentle snowfalls to roaring blizzards, the ever-changing conditions add a layer of excitement and unpredictability to Snow Rider.